Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lesson 16 / Story Writing Using Props

Untitled by Lizzy and Zion

Deep in the forest of Washington lived an Indian tribe called the Tutanka.  The chief, Yuki, which translated to The Eye of the Tiger...and his wife, Hadasa, which translated to Survivor...felt like their tribe was missing something.  One day, they were out hunting and found a weary man wearing a hat with skin like milk.  The man in the Hat, as they called him, was lost and famished in the woods for days. Capturing him they brought him to Yuki.  Yuki, not knowing his purposes demanded that he be killed as a sacrifice for the gods.  The man in the brown hat yelled,"Wait, I have some things you might want in trade for my life!" Hadasa, knowing English translated what he had said.  Yuki sat and pondered for a-while and then ordered the man to show them what he had.  The man cautiously pulled out what he had.  First was a piece of purple soft cloth that he called "silk." Next was a beautiful rock that he called a "sea shell."  The chief was slightly impressed, and said, "What else?" "I have one more thing," said the man.  He than a pulled out a strange stick that he called "a cross" and a thick leather book he called "the Bible." He told them about Christ, our savior.  Yuki and Hadasa, amazed at what he said, accepted the Lord into their hearts and by the grace of God... helped the man in the brown hat get home.  

Items Are Magical by Brie and Kianney

Once upon a time there were two people, a man and a woman who got shipwrecked on an island. Their names were Katie and Jack. One day they were chilaxing on the beach and they saw a flash of gold in the sky. They immediately got up and looked around. Right then four items of magical value washed up. But they did not know what the magic items had in store for them. Just then they thought they could benefit from these trinkets. Katie, being the more adventurous one; decided she would use this purple rope as an accessory for her raggedy dress. Jack needed a hat to protect his face from the sun so he picked it up and dusted the sand off of it. When they put these accessories on, they realized their life would never be the same. As soon as Katie tied that rope she noticed her feet were slowly rising into the sky. Joyfully, she spread her arms and FLEW into the oblivion. Flustered, Jack thought he would never see Katie again. He thought that the hat (also being magical) would make him fly too. So, he quickly put it on. Right then, the near future became clear to him and he could see the next 5 years and in the future him and Katie were living happily. So he took the hat off and called Katie to himself. After waiting for about an hour she finally came back. They decided to go back to their cabin and they took the items home with them. The next morning they went back outside. Jack grabbed the seashell and Katie grabbed the cross and nothing happened. They wondered if these items were full of magic as well as the others, so they put the items in their pockets and decided to go swimming. While they were swimming a huge tidal wave came over them. Katie being a better swimmer than Jack swam to the surface but Jack was not there.She dove down and saw Jack drowning. She knew she couldn't lift him but she bravely tried anyway. When she grabbed Jack's hand and lifted him with ease she knew what that cross could do. Katie decided to try using the shell as a last resort to save his life.  She put it to his lips and immediately he could breath.  They swam shore. They thanked God for these miraculous gifts that saved their lives.

Moral: God gives us things in our lives that we don't understand at first but when we're  patient to wait for him to reveal it to us.


Start making a Story Web for your ARTIST 5 Paragraph Essay.

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