Monday, November 10, 2014

Lesson #9 / Key Word Outlines & Dress-Ups

The fat (QA) gluttonous (QA) dog crossed the rushing (QA) river with a piece of yummy (QA) meat in his mouth.  Glancing (SV) down, he noticed (SV) his reflection in the water.  Thinking the reflection was another dog with a juicy (QA) and tender (QA) piece of meat in it's mouth, he selfishly (ly)grabbed.  Sadly, (ly) he ended up with nothing.  His piece of meat fell into the current and was swept (SV) away.  Obviously, the other piece of meat vanished (SV).  

As a group, we used our Key Word Outlines to come up with a retelling of the fable.

We added SV's...QA's...and "ly" words.  


Take the above retelling of the fable we did together in class...and improve it on your own.

Include a few of the following tools found in your TOOL BOX....

a.  5W's & How (Who, What, When, Where, Why & How)
b.  the 5 Senses  (Sight, Sound, Smell, Touch, Taste)

Your final draft of this fable...should be posted on the blog.   

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