Monday, November 3, 2014

Lesson # 8 / Key Word Outline & Dress-Ups

Welcome Kianney to the class! 

Today we tackled our first Key Word Outline.

Our source text was Aesop's fable...Big and Little Fish.

Number each sentence in your source text. the first sentence.  Choose the most important 3 words in that sentence.  Remember symbols and #'s are free (but we do not want to overuse them.)

Do the same for each sentence. will have a finished Key Word Outline.

( The 1 and ) above are a number and a symbol for the they are FREE.)

 Without looking at the source text...retell the story out loud.  Use your Key Word Outline to do so. 

After each student retold the story in their own words...they were asked to DRESS -UP the story with quality adjectives, strong verbs, and "ly" words.

Students underlined their dress-ups.  


The Greedy Dog

A dog was crossing a river with a piece of meat in his mouth.  Looking down, he saw his reflection in the water.  Thinking his reflection was another dog carrying another piece of meat in it's mouth, the dog dropped his meat.  He made a grab for the other dog's piece.  But, of course, he ended up with nothing.  His own piece fell into the water and was swept away by the river.  The other piece disappeared with it.  

Make a Key Word Outline for this fable.  
(Remember to number each sentence...only three words per sentence.  #'s and symbols are FREE.) 

Post your Key Word Outline here.  Also...bring a copy to the next class. 

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