Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lesson 11

Once upon a time there was too jealous sisters Ella and Bella.  Ella was invited to a ball in London to meet the Prince.  Bella was not invited.  One day Bella decided to be sneaky and look into Ella's diary.  When going through her diary she found the invitation to the ball.  Bella thought, I need to sneak and get on that plane and go to London with my sister.  Bella also decided to steal the designs Ella had for her dress.  While flying from Paris to London Ella caught Bella on the plane.  She was as angry as a roaring lion.  When they arrived in London they took separate carriages to their hotel.  Later that night when they were at the ball Ella notice that Bella was dancing with the handsome prince and wearing the same dress as her.  That made her fell like exploding.  Ella stomped over to the two of them with a very grumpy attitude and started to fight with her sister.  Things got out of control and they ended up breaking the princes arm. The prince demanded that they never return to London.

The End

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