Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lesson 10/The Lonely Giant/The Tornado

The Tornado
An enormous tornado ripped through the farming town. A frightened boy, who was 4 years old got caught into the storm. His mother quickly swooped him up and the two of then ran and found safety in the basement of their house . The trebling woman rocked her son to sleep, while humming a lullaby. The wind raged for hours. The mother softly stroked her sons head and meekly prayed and thanked God for their protection.

The Lonely Giant
The lonely giant peeked through the tiny window and watched the family at play. A very small finch flew underneath the giants gigantic nose. Then he unleashed a loud, powerful sneeze. The family got swept away by this strong, nasil wind. The giant began to cry and apoligized from the bottom of his heart for this trerrible thing that had happend. The family was a bit frightend at first, but after they realized the giant was sincere they decided to go and play with this new friend they made.

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