Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lesson #6 Dress-Ups - Who/Which & Because

We started our lesson with a simple sentence.  We added a Quality Adjective (African)...an "ly" word (purposely)... and a who/which (who abused the animals daily.) 

Then, we added a "because." 

Again...we started with a simple sentence and proceeded to add Dress-Ups.

This was Galilee's sentence.

This was Lizzy's sentence.

This was Brie's...

This was Zion's....

The unicorn ate in the field.

...turned into.....

The shimmery gold unicorn whimsically ingested gummy bears and jelly beans in the magical cotton candy field.


Add a SV, QA, "ly", who/which, because

1.  The car went by my house. 

2.  The boy played in the park.

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