Friday, October 10, 2014

Lesson 5 / Introduction to IEW Dress-Ups

We have a new student.  Everyone WELCOME, Brie!!!!  WOOT!  WOOT!

And today...Galilee joined in because even though she's been through this class's always a good idea to review.

Jemima is our weekly tech she gets to sit in on all classes and glean from our brilliance.   

Today we went over the 6 Dress-Ups used in the IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) curriculum.

Dress-Ups are simply tools we can add to our TOOL BOX of ideas that we can pull from when we are writing.

We focused our attention on 3 of the Dress-Ups.

Strong Verbs or SV's...

Quality Adjectives or QA's...

and..."ly" words....

Some of the students started making an "ly" List...going through the alphabet...letter by letter...thinking of as many "ly" words as they could. 


1. The man went to the store.
2. The baby cried.
3. The bird flew.

Please add a SV, a QA, and and "ly" word to each sentence. 

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