Friday, October 3, 2014

Lesson 4 / Idea Trees & Idea Webs

You start with a simple idea and build from there.  No need to stress.

For this exercise ...The IDEA TREE...we used   ME / as in Mom / Mrs. Gregg as a subject.

Before you knew it we had a tree.  It had branches.  Each one held info about ME!

We talked about how this would be a helpful tool when wring a paragraph about.... let's say.....Abraham Lincoln for instance.  Or anyone or anything for that matter.   Tigers.  New York.  The desert.  My Bedroom.

Along those same lines...students were then exposed to the IDEA WEB.  

Our subject was AUTUMN.

As a class...we decided to write a paragraph using the info in our IDEA WEB as a jumping off point.   This is what we came up with:

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