Monday, September 8, 2014

Lesson #1

Today was our first day and I'd say it went really well!  I am very impressed with they way we worked as a group...especially as a group made up of students in different states.  How great is that????!?!?!?!

We started with the Choosing Precise Words Game...

...taking turns until the most precise words we could come up with were found.  We played this game twice.

After that game...we played a round of Choosing the Strongest Action Game...

She walked into the room became things like:

She dashed into the room. 
She mosied into the room.
She skipped into the room.
She danced into the room.

She ate a carrot...turned into sentences such as...

She munched on a carrot.
She nibbled on a carrot.
She licked at a carrot.  

Loosened up and feeling really good about our choices of precise words and strong action words...we moved onto our first Lesson in sentence writing

Students were asked to name the 5 Senses. 


They were given a word and asked to write a sentence using as many of the five senses that worked without being odd.

Students were asked to draw a square  around the starting   Then, sight, sound, and touch words were added and underlined..and before we knew it...we had come up with a well written sentence.  

Just like that!

We wrote a few more sentences together and students were given their "homework" assignment.
Due next Thursday :)


Write 5 sentences  (using the 5 Senses) for the following words.  

1.  flower
2.  boy
3.  house
4.  bike
5.  tree

Draw a picture that depicts the imagery of your sentence. 
Post your "Homework" on the blog.  

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