Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lesson 18/ Persuasive ¶ / Kianney

Doing your Make-Up is Awesome

because you can do foundation or bb cream, and you have a choice from so many primers. You have a choice for lengthening mascara and volumizing.  You can do neutral eyeshadow, or even pink!  You can even line your eyes with a wing or just a simple line.  You can contour your face or just do blush.  You can do lipstick, lipgloss, lipliner, or even all three, and not to mention there are so many brands.  Doing your makeup is awesome because you have so many options to choose from.

Lesson 17/ HAIKU/ Kianney


It come down down soft
Or as a harsh scary storm
Oh how beautiful


Green hoppy creatures
They can croak, groan, hop, and jump
What a sight they are.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lesson 11/Brie

(sorry i'm behind)
The Two Sisters:
Two sisters were getting ready to go to a ball. The sisters names were Rose and Agnes. Rose was a beautiful brunette, but Agnes did not possess her sister's beauty, only scraggly, blond hair. Agnes had been jealous of her sister from her earliest thoughts. The reason they both wanted to attend the cattillion was to meet the handsome prince, named Henry. Truly, each wished to be noticed by this special  man. Arriving at the magnificent castle, the prince was standing at the entry greeting his guests. Immediately, Henry noticed Rose because of her beauty completely ignoring Agnes. Right then and there an angry rage was building inside Agnes, so she asked Rose to step outside for a moment. As they walked to the private garden, Agnes picked up a huge rock from the ground and struck her sister's spine causing her to fall to the ground in an unconscious state. Frightened from what had just occurred, Agnes ran away.

Wondering what had happened to his lovely new guest, Prince searched outside. When he noticed Rose lying on the ground, he called for the family's doctor. Performing every medical procedure possible, nothing could be done for Rose. She had become paralyzed from the waist down. Meanwhile, Agnes had run away distraught by the rage that had overtaken her. She headed home to gather her belongings then left to the forest never looking back.

Fifteen years had passed. Rose had coped with her paralyzation and forgave Agnes for her rash actions. Agnes had lived this whole time in the heart of the forest not knowing the outcome of her rage. She was living with guilt for what she had done and sorrow that her sister despised her. She decided to go Rose to ask for forgiveness. She could not live with the guilt any longer. She traveled home where the sisters were reunited. True reconciliation between the sisters had occurred that day. They never thought of it again.

Lesson 17/ Brie/ Haiku


little, tiny drop
hitting all of the rooftops
listen to that sound

happy, joyful, green
tongue as long as a roll-up
catching flies all day

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lesson 18 / Persuasive Paragraphs


Write a Persuasive Paragraph.  Topic of your choice. 

Start preparing your Newspaper assignments.  Keep your work in one place so that it can be easily located when needed. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015


                                                              slimey and very small
                                                       tounge snapping at crunchy flies
                                                              found in swamoy ponds

                                                                 jumping in puddles
                                                              I listen to its piter pader
                                                                trying to keep warm

Lesson 17 Homework / Zion


wet and moist it is
dribbles and drizzles it goes
puddles and teardrops


gross, slimy, and green
catching insects all day long
croaking in the creek